The Juheko Deko series is a family of lights inspired by Art Deco lighting of the early 20th century. Our lights are designed with pure and simple approach, the result is a set of timeless luminaries. Parts of the lights were produced in Estonia and England, using pure brass. The matte opaque light bulbs come with a replaceable inner light source - you can use led or halogen and replace as many times as you wish.

The Deko series is an example of modular lighting. It is possible to assemble many different types of lights from our lamp parts , depending on the location where those will be used. 

In case of a higher ceiling you can use longer connecting tubes. If the room is large it is advised to have a chandelier with 4 or even more light bulbs. If there is no place on the ceiling, why not assemble wall lights. 

Wall lights were especially popular in the era that serves as an inspiration for the design of these lights.